Escaping The Status Quo.

Chemically imprisoned, Mentally misled.

So many people are stuck, yet they have no idea what they are stuck in…

I used to be one of them, in a job I despised and living a life I didn't want.

The average day looked like:

  • Wake up

  • Get to work by 7.30am

  • Slave away at Work until 4pm

  • Drive as fast as possible home

  • Consume instant gratification content

  • Play with my dog

  • Go to sleep

  • Repeat

I distracted myself by consuming social media content, youtube and netflix.

Anything to take me away from the reality I had created.

It was my everyday life and daily routine that was the problem. It was my lack of action, my perspective and the current beliefs holding me back.I had no goals, no dreams, no ideal future, no clear values. Nothing.

I was told to go to school, get a job, get a house and work until im 65 at a job i dont like then finally retire only to be old and unable to enjoy the freedom fully…I knew this couldnt be all there is. I had no idea how to change, but i had to find a way.

“Growth is painful. Change is painful.

But nothing is as painful as the regret at the end of a misled, unfulfilled life.”

Leigh Davies

The biological turmoil.

When dopamine is released in our brain, we feel a sense of temporary pleasure.Serotonin, while similar to dopamine, creates a long-lasting feeling of happiness or well-being. Dopamine and serotonin molecules send signals throughout the body; these chemicals affect how we feel.

Humanity has created a seemingly never ending list of ways to obtain these chemicals.Almost all of our actions are influenced by these. They are undeniably powerful.

The problem arises when we start craving UNEARNED dopamine.Dopamine isnt inherently bad, it becomes a problem when we receive the reward without the work…

I had no idea of the subconscious and biological war happening inside my body but after deep introspection through many self development courses I was able to pinpoint the interaction.

Serotonin - The happiness chemical

Habits i unknowingly practiced that released serotonin:

  • I practiced gratitude daily, and saw things from a more positive perspective. Doing so helped me subconsciously look for things to be grateful for.

  • I tried Meditation + Journaling, this helped me analyze my thoughts which helped me get clear on the problems and my feelings associated with them.

  • I started working out consistently and eating healthy, this gave me more energy and allowed me to be free from depression for some time. It provided a better self image and more confidence.

Doing these things saved my life.It gave me the energy, stability and serotonin I desperately needed.I would not be here if it wasn't for them.

Dopamine - The pleasure chemical

Habits i unknowingly practiced that released UNEARNED Dopamine:

  • I abused youtube and watched courses to replace the dopamine from taking action and making a positive change in my life. 

  • I watched porn to subconsciously replace my needs for social connection and intimacy rather than making an effort to meet quality women.

  • I rested on my laurels by working a job for a safe paycheck rather than taking a chance and backing myself knowing that I have something meaningful to provide the world.

At the time I knew there were “healthy” and “unhealthy” habits but had no idea of the overall effects of these in the long run.

It was only through introspection that i was able to see the true implications of these habits.


Its time to create a page to write these down, alternatively simply print the newsletter and answer as you go along!

To gain clarity for yourself i want you to answer these questions openly and honestly:

  1. If I continued these habits, where would I end up in 10 years?

  2. Are these habits helping or hindering me from living the life I want?

  3. Is this habit a coping mechanism for an underlying need in my life?

Answering these and confronting the truth helped me change. Again, these questions saved my life. I hope they will save yours too.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Viktor E. Frankl — Man’s Search for Meaning

The Perspective Shift

In the search for better, i stumbled across many influential people:

  • Ali Abdaal

  • Andrew Ferrobee

  • Naval Ravikant

  • Dan Koe

  • James Clear

  • Tim Ferris

  • Jordan Peterson

  • Robert Kyosaki

Just to name a few…

In the pursuit of self development i purchased Andrew Ferebees course:“Project Grounded Man”It cost a lot but was worth every cent.I have turned from a boy to a well rounded man because of that course and coaches alone.

Dan Koes course i'm currently undertaking called “Digital Economics”

Building a personal brand is exactly what I have been searching for unknowingly most of my life. It is the future for me, i know in my heart this is my purpose.

Books and courses allowed me to see things from a fresh perspective. I read obsessively while at work listening to audio books, podcasts and lectures.

This new information helped me understand that there's another path, that I'm not where I want to be and what I can do about fixing it.

“Books don’t change the world, people change the world, books only change people.”

Mario Quintana

The Final Piece - Changing my career

Despite what i would think the majority of the time, there was some pros doing the construction job.

I liked that I could work whatever hours I wanted as long as the job was done. I was also paid by the m2, so I would work my ass off making slightly above average income.

But I knew in my heart I could be more than that. It was just a stepping stone.It was time to take a chance, i needed to take drastic action.

I quit my job after saving for quite a while.I sold as much as i could and moved to bali to work on my personal brand full time.

Travelling opens the mind and allows you to understand yourself more. Thats what i needed, so i took the plunge.

Building Integrity - Do what you say

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 


I worked out a schedule that fits my goals and my lifestyle:

  • Morning routine 6.15am - 6.45am

  • I am meditating from 6.45am - 7am

  • Breakfast 7 - 7.30am

  • Focused work and goal setting 7.30am - 12am

  • Gym and recovery session 12am - 2pm

  • Lunch / Recovery Shake 2pm - 2.30pm

  • Focused work/Content consumption (With project in mind) 2.30pm - 6pm

  • Dinner, recreation and social activities 6pm - 9pm

My long term goals are very large and daunting but I'm no longer intimidated by them.I know that if I keep showing up winning the days, the days will add up to years and before I know it I'll have achieved the goals and much more. 

I now have this deep sense of confidence and inner calmness. I'm at peace with myself.This process has been extremely hard but I'm grateful for everything that's happened to me. Good bad and otherwise, I know it's shaped me into the person I am today.

The purpose of these newsletters is to see the people i help have same success in their own life. To give something to the world. It took me too long to realise that the greatest gift is giving something of value to someone else. Thats its own reward.

To me, if i help someone in their life, im successful.I want that someone to be you.

Your Vision (Ideal Life/Where you want to be)

“A goal properly set is halfway reached.” Zig Ziglar

These questions are orientated so you can gain clarity on what you are working towards.

What's your dream scenario, how would you want to live?

What do your days look like?

How would you help people if you could help them do anything?

How can you leave a positive impact for generations to come?

What kind of a person must you be, to uncover your dreams?

What habits does this person have to uncover those dreams?

  • What characteristics does he/she have? Write them down.

  • How do they present themselves?

  • Do they inspire others? Are they the hero of their children's lives? 

I urge you to go through and document your life, if i didn't answer these i would still be miserable.

"The unexamined life is not worth living" — Socrates

Imagine yourself on your deathbed, you have two scenarios.

  1. You haven't changed anything, you are doing the same things you do now. Maybe some habits have gotten worse. What does that look like? How would you feel about having lived that life? If you could go back what would you have changed? What regrets do you have to sit with? Are you happy or just as miserable if not worse as you are now.

  2. You have changed your negative habits into positive ones. You have kept growing and progressing in life. You are now exactly where you wanted to be and so fulfilled having lived the life of your dreams.

Which one do you want for your future self? 

The choice is yours and you have to pick NOW because that is all we have, the present moment. I believe you will choose wisely.

Unimplemented knowledge is wasted, time to act

Survey of life - Takes 15-30mins

Its time to act, this knowledge will be wasted unless you answer these questions.Simply write down the answers to these in as many or few words as you like.

What's not working in your life?What is working in your life?Describe how you are feeling most days.Rate Areas of your life 1-10 using the provided worksheet.What are the current good and bad habits of your life?Are there any underlying needs that those bad habits are coping for?

After answering these questions, review them and determine your values.

Picking your values

These are not permanent, simply review them as you grow.

What are your top 10?What are your top 3?Simply use the worksheet to identify these.

I urge you to go through and complete the short excercises in the newsletter.The worksheets will help you understand where you are and whats important to you. The questions are required to have a deeper understanding of where you are and more importantly where you are going.

Thanks for reading, until next time.Leigh.