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Your Evolution Starts With Mindset (9 Mental Shifts To Change Your Life)

I used to wonder why my existing mindset was almost always the opposite of those of people who had the life I desired.

For a while, I even thought something was wrong with me.

After months and months, I was starting to lose hope.
I figured some just have it, and others don't.

Honestly? It felt like crap…

But if you think this, there is nothing wrong with you.

We tend to associate our patterns (Habits, thoughts, beliefs, etc) with who we are. But that's not who we are; that's our tendencies and habitual processes. You are the observer behind it all.

Eventually, I discovered self-development, where every book, course, or coaching session felt like removing the limitation and replacing it with the right part again.

A typical pattern I have noticed in successful people:

They all look within themselves to analyse their mindset, which, when changed, can also change the outside world.

Here are 9 mindset shifts to unlock a new version of you:

1. “The results you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding”

“The cave you fear to enter most holds the treasure that you seek.”

Joseph Campbell

Deep down, we all know what it is. We all have that place.

Some questions to help identify could be:

  • What outcome am I not ready for?

  • What new strategies scare me?

  • What am I afraid to lose?

  • What decisions do I fear?

  • What actions do I fear?

Challenges are for building you. Pain is just the byproduct of growth.

Like in the quote above, you want to enter the cave.
It’s that same cave that gives us newfound depth in life.

Most people avoid the scary cave because they fear what it will require of them.

I used to be more scared of my power and potential than I was staying the same. When I made the shift, I realised how much I was holding myself back.

2. Don't spend time buying money. (Spend money buying back time.)

Do you drive to fuel stations across town to save a few dollars?
Do you spend your weekends gardening even though you hate it?
Do you spend an hour+ shopping when you could order on an app?

Is that time worth those few dollars in savings?

During this time, I used to waste hours when I could have just outsourced or eliminated it, saving a bunch of ineffective time.

You might say, Leigh… Stop being lazy and do the thing.

I used to have the same mentality.

Now, I prefer to outsource things I wouldn’t say I like doing to make more time for things I do. If that means working on my business or having R & R time, I see that as a win.

Time is MUCH more valuable than money.

I encourage you to put an abnormally high hourly rate on your time.
$500 an hour, $1000 an hour, $2000 an hour. Whatever it is.
(This is not meant to be egotistical; this is hypothetical)

Then, understand the actual cost of that “Money saving.”

Instead, celebrate time savings because that's worth more than any money.
Outsource or eliminate tasks to maximise efficiency and leverage your time.

3. “Worrying is like worshipping the problem.”

If you think about it, worrying is wasting imagination on increasing suffering rather than searching for solutions.

It’s prioritising focusing on the bad, which is just as likely to happen as the good if we think about it.

Our default is negativity bias, which is like saying to the problem, “Alright, I'll play defence, and you can shoot shots at me as long as you like.”

Instead, we should focus on solutions because what we focus on expands.

By adopting an optimistic, solution-first mindset, we escape the worry cycle our minds default to and instead think constructively rather than destructively.

“Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due.”

William Inge

4. Patient with outputs, Persistent with inputs.

You could do everything perfectly.

Nutrition, working out, sleep. You name it.

But growing substantial muscle in a week is still impossible.
The most worthwhile things are those that take effort to compound.

You will have to show up daily and not see results for long.
It all comes down to what's in and out of your control.

So, in order to not become demoralised, focus on your inputs (In your control) and let the outputs (Out of your control) take care of themselves.

If you can increase your capability, quality, frequency of the inputs, the outputs will surely change in time too.

5. “Begin with the end in mind” - Stephen R. Covey

You are climbing the ladder of success.
You spent your time, effort and energy on making it work.
You finally get to the top after spending years on the journey. YAY! Right?

But because you didn’t thoroughly plan for what it would look like, you realise it was leaned against the wrong tree…

To correct this, you can’t continue, so you have to climb back down the ladder and move it to another tree. Start the journey a new…

See the problem here?

If you had initially envisioned the result clearly, you could have achieved the success you desired.

Direction, clarity and awareness are vital.

Successful people start with the end goal in mind and reverse engineer it over decades, years, months, weeks, and finally, days until they have daily actions that move them towards that future.

I didn’t need more luck…

I needed more clarity, self-improvement and planning.

“If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands.”

Bob Proctor

6. Invest in your skillset, not a flashy lifestyle.

What's the Return On Investment of a flashy piece of furniture?
An occasional eyegasm and once yearly might be sat on?
An egotistical status flex to friends and family?

I mean, come on…

This undeniably beautiful, sofa cost $2000.

With that, you could buy either:

  • 133 self-improvement books.

  • A course to help you level up your life.

  • 4 months of coaching to be a support system.

These saved me from a lifetime of suffering in a misaligned career and helped me find my purpose, passion and fulfilment.

I know, you need a sofa…

But you need the life you desire more.

Invest in your personal growth as a priority, lifestyle is for your excess money not the majority.

P.S. (The success you desire comes with bonus sexy couches.)

7. Never rush big decisions.

Occasionally, an opportunity comes up that feels too good to be true. You think it won't last forever and feel urged to act quickly.

So you jump in quickly without sleeping on it overnight…

Whenever I rushed these things, it ended up going very badly.

Instead, we can slow things down.

Make 3 rules for yourself:

  1. Sleep on big decisions for at least 1 night before making a call.

  2. Write a list of pros and cons before going through with it.

  3. Analyse what would need to be true for you to do it.

A bonus tip is to ask your intuition.

Find a quiet place, breathe deeply and run through each decision.

Notice when one makes you feel light or open (yes) or when one makes you feel heavy or closed (no). Following this is often the correct decision.

Take action quickly to not procrastinate, and make decisions slowly to not be unwise.

8. Determine the negative, do the opposite.

Most people can’t tell you what they want in life.

But if you ask them what they don’t want, they can tell you everything.

Humans are more inclined to find the negative rather than the positive.

We can leverage this by outlining the worst-case scenario and then doing the opposite.

Create your anti-vision first, then use it to create your vision of ideals.

8 ½. Play to win, don’t play not to lose.

Imagine if you played a sport not to lose… Sounds crazy, right?

Well, people would rather skip coffees, limit expenses, or find deals on buy, swap, and sell than use the same energy to earn more money.

The lesson here is to spend your energy learning new skills to win bigger and expand instead of finding ways not to lose and conserve.

The difference is that one has a scarcity mindset, and the other has an abundance mindset.

Look at any successful person in the world; they all have an abundant mindset.


9. If you want specific results, don’t listen to people without ones you want.

First of all, I'm sure your peers are good people.

Your friends, teachers and parents don't want to see you hurt.

Fair enough, that's a good thing most of the time.

But it gets tricky when it's at the expense of your personal or business growth.

Where it gets difficult is if you need to do something risky or go where they don't want you to go. With goodwill, they try to protect you by explaining that it might not be worth it.

But pain and challenges are part of growth. It is all part of the journey.

It is important not to listen to people without results but to listen to those who have walked the same path before you.

Reverse engineer their success, study them and create your own plan by being educated on what worked for them.

We just covered a lot, but these are crucial for your success.

I don’t expect you to implement all of this at once.
(Thats downright unreasonable.)

But you can refer back to this newsletter at any point for a refresh!

I want to pose a challenge to you:
Apply 1 mindset shift from here this week.

More than happy to chat here if you need support!

Just try it, see if you see any improvements and report back if you do!

Personal Progress 3rd Aug - 10th Aug 🤯

Weekly discovery:

I learnt the importance of allowing time for rest.
For weeks now, I have been flat out working.

At the end of this stint, I noticed feeling burnt out and unmotivated.
I’m realising how important it is to schedule work but also include relaxation and recovery.

So thats what I did. Feeling better already. 💪

Favourite quotes of mine this week:

Current Reads:

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life

Brilliant book for business and life principles, methodically written, brilliant examples and amazing insights. A short description can not do a book like this justice. Must read.

Approximately a 6hr 45min read. - Published Aug 2023


I can give you the tools, information, and resources to change, but at the end of the day, you are the only person who can change your life.

Intentional decisions are essential for a life of purpose.

My purpose in helping you is two fold:

  1. Help you live with purpose to experience your ideal life.

  2. Help you break free from the system to unlock financial, location and time freedom.

To help another person enjoy a growth mindset - Share, Like and Subscribe.

Until next week,