How to become the top 1% without being rich.

For the longest time, I thought that to be in the top 1%, you must be wealthy.Now I realize that to be wealthy, you must be in the top 1%.

I created this to show you what is possible without massive money or wealth.You can now take these steps to move you up in the world.

It’s not about being “In the top 1%” to be better than others.It’s about being the top 1% version of yourself.

1. Eat whole foods and exercise regularly.

There’s no excuse. Without your health, what do you have?

Exactly nothing.

Working out is both the gateway to personal development and the most important task we can do to better ourselves. Start with three workouts a week if that’s all you can manage, but start and start now. Health, like money, compounds over time.

2. The Top 1% Have Vision

How can we create a Vision? First, you need to be clear on who you want to be.You can be however you like, but first, you must write it down.

From there, we can ask: “Is this aligned with my ideal self?” If not, stop doing it.

If yes, ask: “How can I instil goals and habits that result in desired progress?”

Doing so relieves the need for motivation, instead creating discipline by sticking with your habits and ultimately realising the ideal version of yourself.

3. Invest your money in things that grow wealth.

First of all, ask yourself this:

“Why would I hold something they constantly manipulate and print more of?”

We shouldn’t; it’s as simple as that.Money has no intrinsic value. It’s absolutely worthless.

What grows wealth? By collecting things that hold intrinsic value:

  • Property

  • Businesses

  • Commodities

  • Scarce resources

Accumulate as many of these as you can. You don’t need millions of dollars but must start somewhere. Otherwise, your money will leave your pocket faster than you can blink.

4. Their income is not tied to time.

What is income? Usually, it’s contributing value to society in some way that warrants someone giving it back to you as income.

Most people get caught in the trap of trading hours for money; inevitably, this is a losing game because time is your most scarce resource.

What is time? Well, I’ll pass you on to Albert Einstein…

In all seriousness, though, as Warren Buffet famously said:“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

Some ways we can create leveraged value/money are:

  • Businesses (Providing value to society on a large scale)

  • Capital (Investments)

  • Code (all programs and applications)

  • Media (all content, books, photos, social media, etc.)

  • People (Labour and time arbitrage).

5. Finish what you start or never finish starting.

Have you ever half-finished something?

Me too, it’s like decaf coffee, absolutely pointless…

Those half-finished projects cost us time and sometimes money but don’t provide us with something other than learning. The top 1% understand this, so they try to finish what they started.

By doing so, no energy is leaked or wasted.

The best way to mitigate this is to make absolutely sure you WANT to do it in the first place. Again, back to Vision, we can ask ourselves:

“Is this aligned with who I want to be?”

The best way to finish everything we do is never to start the things we don’t want to. After that, it’s all discipline.

6. Don’t waste money impulsively.

Money is security, freedom, value, inheritance, time and energy.

So why do you need that new car or a new TV?

Ask yourself: “How much time, based on my hourly rate, would it take me to acquire this?”

These things are costing you 100s if not 1000s of hours.Are you sure you want to make that purchase?

To the 1%, security, freedom, value, inheritance, time and energy are more important than vanity.

7. Radical Responsibility.

The 1% understand that everything that has happened to them is their responsibility.

You are where you are because of your decisions, actions, thoughts and feelings.To change your life for the better, we must first take control.

This mentality does two things:

  • Kills the victim mindset.

  • It enables us to take back control over our own lives.

Both of these are vital to success over the long term.

8. Maintain Resilience.

You will get knocked down. Part of being high-value is adversity.

When you do, you will have a choice:

You can learn every valuable lesson from failure and let it make you a better version of yourself.


Let yourself become identified as one.

One is being a victim because it’s all too hard, and the other is radical responsibility and a growth mindset. I’m positive you know which decision the 1% make, and so should you.

9. Focus on the quality, not quantity, of relationships.

It’s not about how many “friends” you have.

The real measure of success is how many friends you can call each other, and you will both have the other’s back.

Conversely, choosing your partner is also the most crucial decision of your life.Do not rush marriage, force relationships, or chase people.If it is meant to be, it’s meant to be.Don’t chase love; attract it.

10. Independence of mind

The Top 1% have a different mindset than most:

- They prefer to make their path rather than follow someone else’s.- They don’t make decisions based on validation or approval from others.- They embrace uncertainty and discomfort, knowing it will eventually benefit them.

Doing so enables them to forge their path with enthusiasm.

11. Give more value than you take.

The 1% understand that everything is a transaction.

To achieve the success we desire, we must give as much as possible.

In doing so, we create abundance in every aspect of our lives.

Karma quotes are all around you:

- “What goes around comes around.”- “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”- “You get back the same energy you put out.”- “You reap what you sow.”

This principle can be applied to just about anything: relationships, business, investing, etc. When in doubt, give more value.

So what do the 1% gain that most don’t?

They gain:

- Longer life.- Purpose in life.- Their own potential.- Fulfilment and freedom.- Wealth to support their family.- A strong mindset and good values.- Escaping the rat race and consumerism.

Obtaining these results will be hard. There’s no doubt about it.As we know, it’s often the most challenging thing that’s worth doing.

The reward from these journeys will make you the kind of person you can be proud of.You will have gratitude and fulfilment instead of regret at the end of an unfulfilled life.

Reread this for guidance, and start implementing as much today as possible.I hope you can look back and be glad you did.

If you have found value from anything in this newsletter or have some thoughts i would love to hear from you in the comments!

Your feedback and opinions are very valuable.Hope you enjoyed reading as much as i do writing!

Until next week,Leigh.