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It all started from a big change…
Someone close to me passed away.

In no time, everything I thought was stable, no longer was.

It can also be:

  • Being fired from a “secure” job.

  • A sudden, life changing injury.

  • An unexpected breakup.

Whatever the situation, it is never easy.
It’s as though god says: “Not so fast, here is a curve ball…”

Our lives go from a “sure thing” to reading through the terms and conditions to discover in ultra fine print: “Change is inevitable, there are no guarantees” glaring in our faces.

It can be damn near impossible to see the glimmer of hope, let alone trying to glean a gem of wisdom from such experiences.

These pivotal life moments hurl us into a tumultuous time followed by a period of questioning, in a desperate attempt to regain control…

Eventually we surpass grief and it is time to rebuild, recover and reconcile.

For me, that looked like outlining my dream life.

I want to show you the method that took me from paralysed, to purposeful.

5 steps to rebuilding back towards your dream life:

1. The Dream

We all have 3 versions of ourselves:

  1. 0.0 Version of you - Anti Vision - Worst case scenario

  2. 1.0 Version of you - Reality - Current state

  3. 2.0 Version of you - Vision - Ideal scenario

A resource I found very useful in constructing my vision was Ikigai.
Designed by the Japanese to help people effectively find purpose in life.

Another great way is introspection.
In your ideal lifestyle:

  • Would you be working if you didn’t need the income? If so, what kind of work would you be doing? How many hours per week?

  • Who are you spending time with? How frequently are you seeing them?

  • What are you doing with your free time?

  • What city and country do you live in? Is it the same place all year round?

  • How many weeks per year do you travel?

  • What impact would you like to make?

Make sure you cover aspects in health, wealth and relationships to outline what is important to you.

Meet Kyle and Christine.

After completing these exercises:

Kyle’s true dream is to coach people in finding the authentic version of themselves. He has been obsessed with personal development and wants to share his knowledge with the world.

Christine’s true dream is to see, immerse and experience every country in the world while helping others do the same.

Big Problem…

Dream Suppression

Dream suppression is when fear, mind made excuses, limiting beliefs and others opinions stops us from attempting to achieve these goals.

They are usually limitations we put on ourselves but stem from limitations we or others put on us in the past. Without being questioned, in time they fester and limit us from progressing.

Excuses like:

  • “Its too much work”

  • “Gotta be realistic”

  • “I don’t know how”

  • “I’m too young”

  • “I’m too old”

Deep down, we think we need to be qualified to attempt our dreams…
But really, attempting is precisely how we become qualified.

The people crazy enough to try change the world are the ones who do.

- Steve Jobs

2. The Hero’s Journey

People think the journey is:

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. SUCCESS.

But really, it’s not one giant achievement, it’s many mini sub-steps below that achievement.

12 Steps to the Hero’s Journey:

  • The call to adventure

  • The refusal of the call

  • Meeting the mentor

  • Crossing the threshold

  • Tests, allies, and enemies

  • The approach to the inmost cave

  • The ordeal

  • The reward

  • The road back

  • The resurrection

  • The return

  • The freedom to live

More on this full breakdown here.

What are your steps?

What are the 10-12 steps (that if all went to plan) would help you realise your dream?

Kyles journey - Start making content - 10k followers - Full-Time $ - 100k Follows (500K/ Yr) - Coach speaking on stage with authority and reputation.

Christines journey - Plan & Research countries - Make content - Get finances sorted - Start travelling + documenting - Earn and help others for full time $ - Leverage her skills and become an authority in the space.

Then, to gain confidence, look back and admire your other achievements.

How did you save and invest money?
How did you become a blackbelt in karate?
How did you make business profitable after years of trying?

By acknowledging these past wins, you give yourself real evidence to prove you are capable of more than you give yourself credit for.

2.1 Success takes time, experience is wisdom.

All over the internet theres get rich quick schemes, broke to a millionaire stories and wild success in every category imaginable.

What they don’t tell you is how long it took to set themselves up for that journey, the experience, learning, failures and tribulations that led to that explosive growth took many years.

You can read every book, take every course and listen to every guru…

But unless you do it yourself, you still know nothing.

Practical knowledge is not the same as intellectual knowledge. One is applicable, one is hypothetical.

Ok, well if they see the path, steps are clear…

  • Why do people never start?

  • Why are most fearful?

  • Why do they quit?


Imagine if you were able to talk to someone who knew your entire future.

You ask them about your dreams and they assure you that everything goes according to plan.

Would you doubt yourself when working towards that future or would you just have complete faith that everything works out?

Would all those doubts and fears feel trivial?

People think if only they knew it would happen, then they would have the confidence to make it happen.

But really, if they have the confidence to make it happen, then it will happen.

3. Detours or Setbacks…

You are on the journey, and get drawn away to something else.

In Kyle’s case, he spends years building up his social media presence helping people unlock their authenticity but eventually meets a spiritual mentor.

During this period he realises that authenticity goes much deeper than communication and decides to step more into that with his brand.

Above is an example of a detour.

In Christines case, a world wide pandemic hits and she feels like its completely impossible. She gives up her coaching business and listens to people saying she should get a real job and to be more realistic.

She assumes they are right and settles for a less than ideal life. Eventually, she resents people who travel because she regrets not doing it herself.

Above is an example of a setback.

The difference is if you are moving in alignment with your heart or not.

In Kyles case, he perceives the event as a detour to step more into his dreams.

In Christines case, she perceives the event as a setback and steps away from her dreams.

This can also be called Fragility vs Anti Fragility.

Christine crumbles under the stimulus, Kyle strengthens under the stimulus.

The best part is, it is all a matter of perspective, both can be changed.

4. Little Recommitments / Little Readjustments

When driving on the road, you don’t just steer once and get to your destination. In order to stay on track you constantly need to readjust, realign and recommit.

I started karate I was 8 years old and dreamt of becoming a blackbelt.

As time passed by, lessons and trainings started getting much harder, plus school and other sports were taking more and more of my time.

Back then, I was getting into gaming. My dopamine and pleasure would say to do the gaming but my heart and goals said I should stay on the journey.

With time, there was a point where I sat down with my parents and was thinking about quitting before hitting my goal of becoming a blackbelt.

They helped me see and reconnect with the goal I had initially set and eventually I decided to keep going, ultimately I hit my goal of blackbelt at 16 years old.

During the conversation, they asked me if I would regret not going for blackbelt and if I still enjoyed the sport and trainings.

I instinctively said yes. This was enough fuel to keep going.

By reconnecting with the passion of this goal and reclarifying the end result, I was able to re-align the dream and continue on the path to mastery.

With every journey there will be things that attempt to pull us off the path. Its important to look within us and ensure we readjust towards our ultimate goals.

It’s the small daily actions, that yield long term results.
By controlling those, you can control you who become.

I am convinced that something metaphysical happens when we truly recommit. Its like sending a signal to the universe, god or an alternate realm that you still desire that reality.

When this is done, the world ultimately conspires in your favour to make that a reality.

5. Version 2.0 You (Reaching the destination.)

Back to Kyle and Christine.

Kyle had the setbacks and detours but he recommits, eventually he achieves his dreams and is constantly asked how he did it by friends and family.

Entrepreneurs see what others can't, do what others won't, and accomplish what others dream.

- Ryan Lilly

Christine was not so “Lucky”…

She had the setbacks and the detours but was pulled off track. Unfortunately the circumstances had her take a wrong turn, but she was stung by circumstance and missed the recommitment.

Eventually, its hard for her to look at people doing her passion because it reminds her what she gave up on.

The funny thing about success, is that its anything but random.
If you stick at it for long enough, learn and act you will get there.

Sure theres people who start with a better hand, but if you want to succeed, is focusing on short comings or failures going to really matter at all?

Everything is not your fault.

  • Maybe your partner was a narcissist.

  • Maybe you grew up in a tough environment.

  • Maybe your parents or friends didn’t support you.

None of that is your fault, and no ones blaming you for that.
But how you deal with it is absolutely your choice.

Whats more inspiring? What has more glory?

The person who walzed through life, everything perfect, nothing bad happened and achieves their dreams?

The person thats inspiring is the one who has the challenges, misalignments and setbacks but still manages to recommit and stay the course.

If not now, when?
If now you, who?
If not try, why?

The cost of inaction is a regretful life.
May as well try something.

I can give you the tools, information, and resources to change, but at the end of the day, you are the only person who can change your life.

Intentional decisions are essential for a life of purpose.

My purpose in helping you is two fold:

  1. Help you live with purpose to experience your ideal life.

  2. Help you break free from the system to unlock financial, location and time freedom.

To help another person find their path - Share, Like and Subscribe.

Until next week,