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  • For People Who FEEL LOST In Life... Read This To Create Your DREAM LIFE.

For People Who FEEL LOST In Life... Read This To Create Your DREAM LIFE.

The Slippery Slope Of Down Hill

I was afraid to go on journeys. I didn’t know myself.
My greatest pain point (all I could think about) was money.

Daily, I killed my soul, working a job I hated because of a toxic mixture of expenses and expectations.

To deal with this pain, I never left my comfort zone.
I constantly distracted myself with pleasures in a desperate effort to feel something, continually trying to escape the reality I created.

Some days, I would wake up feeling fine.
Other days, I didn’t know how many more of these days I could live…

It was almost a monthly occurrence: a breakdown, depression, anxiety.
These breaking points and feeling at rock bottom almost became routine for me.

Something had to change.
I remember thinking: “This cannot be all life is…”

I became obsessed with discovering how some people are happy, aligned, and living their dreams while others have been stuck in perpetual Groundhog Day their whole lives.

I started spending excessive amounts on courses… I would pay anything.

After spending $10k+ on various courses, I made a discovery that changed my life. During one of many courses, they talked about “The Hero’s Journey.”

This is where everything changed…

The Hero’s Journey

  1. In the Ordinary World, everything is the same every day.

  2. The Call to Adventure - The opportunity to escape the ordinary world, get a job opportunity, move to a new country, have a mentor appear, and start a new business.

  3. Refusing the call - Don’t do coaching, don’t start a business, don’t listen to a mentor, don’t make a move, or leave your COMFORT ZONE.

This moment is where most people stop; they give up…

  1. Meeting the mentor - Opportunity to continue, a new mentor, a new opportunity.

  2. Crossing the threshold - The entry point of a new being, a new way of life. You answered the call and courageously said yes to opportunity.

  3. Test, Allies, and Enemies - You will meet allies and enemies and be tested constantly. People will change from friends to enemies overnight. Everything changes.

  4. The Dark Cave - The ultimate test of the hero. It presents the greatest obstacles and fears but also the greatest opportunities. The challenge pushes you beyond your perceived capabilities and asks much more from you.

  5. The Reward - (Meeting the partner of your dreams, building a career that fills your soul AND your bank account, etc.)

Interesting people go on journeys.

They consciously make something of themselves.

Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman, Lebron James.

They all started as beginners and were clueless at some point.

The most boring people are the most stagnant in life; they are afraid to experience things, to leave their comfort zone, and end up not making anything of themselves.

Ask yourself:
  • Who could you talk to all night? Who would you ignore?

  • Who’s more likely to live life with regret later in life?

  • Who is making the most of the human experience?

Finding the truth is crucial; it will be confronting and uncomfortable.

This process is normal, and this is part of the growth.

You are no less of a person for feeling this way.

During this period, instead of meeting my needs by going on journeys, I was distracting myself… At the end of life, I would have regret.

I was suffering from “If then” syndrome while treating life like a race to the end.

Little did I realise…

The end is death, and delaying experience is just delaying life itself.

You cannot buy feelings, fulfilment, experience, practical knowledge, or adversity (Therefore strength); we must experience it.

Where? On Journeys.

How Journeys Shape Us

When a child is growing up, the most beautiful thing about the process is watching them experience something new; they live in a world of infinite possibilities.

What we don’t realise is that reality will always be this way.
You can do anything; your experience is as fresh as theirs.

Toddlers don’t stop attempting to walk;
They don’t even know what “Failing” is.

What gets in the way of our success is just that, it’s our mind or ego.

It makes up all kinds of ridiculous excuses:

  • “I’m too old”

  • “What if I fail?”

  • “If I get X, then I’ll do Y.”

  • “I’m not smart enough.”

  • “I don’t have the support.”

  • “I’m not talented enough.”

  • “I don’t have enough time.”

  • “I wasn’t born in the right area.”

  • “I come from a poor background.”

Journeys are simply the flow of experience.

If people don’t move, people don’t experience.
If people don’t experience, people don’t grow.

People aren’t gifted. They become “gifted” by going on journeys.

It’s not the journey that is scary. It’s not going on journeys that’s scariest.

By blocking experience, we simultaneously block our growth, abundance and prosperity. The purpose of life is to experience fully.

Shift your perspective from life as a race to the end to life as a hobby.
Races have a finish line, a distant “if-then”…

Living life like a hobby is doing things for the sake of it, sometimes just because, other times for a higher purpose. You live completely present, enjoying every moment.

Create your life into a book you wouldn’t want to put down.
Step into the unknown, live your potential, start the journey. It’s the path.

Man is by nature a goal-striving being.

And because man is “built that way,” he is not happy unless he is functioning as he was made to function—as a goal striver. Thus true success and true happiness not only go together but each enhances the other.

- Maxwell Maltz

The True Purpose Of Life

Everyone thinks purpose is unknown… A distant, impossible-to-find thing.
It is and will remain so without first finding your ideals.

If you are a boat in the middle of the ocean without a point of reference…
(an idea) You can never take action to move in a specific direction.

Me being me… I threw myself at every journey with zero plan.
Part-time philosopher, Part-time adventurer, Part-time businessman.

I later found out this just led me to half-assing absolutely everything…
I was incredibly overwhelmed and burnt out. Later, I learnt that we have 100% focus, and every journey splits it more and more…

Instead, pick a maximum of 2 main journeys for the season and commit to them fully. The following season, reassess where you are, pivot, set new goals and continue forward in the new season.

IMPORTANT: Do not do this in your head; record everything in a journal.

Before we pick journeys, we need to create a vision for what our ideals look like. After, we can start creating true goals.

Then, you will have gained a clear vision, goals, and purpose in less than five minutes of reading.

Take these steps below: (Should take less than 30mins to complete)

  1. Take a Survey of Life: Use this table to rate your life and determine which areas you need to improve the most. Link Here

  2. Determine What You Want:

  3. Outline your Ideals AND your Worst Case Scenario in each category: Dig deep here and answer these questions to clarify the real cost of keeping the same habits that stop you from your dreams. (This is best done in a journal. Paint a picture, visualise it.)

  4. Write down a goal (2 Max per season) that will stretch you. Break them down into daily actions. Stick to it like your life depends on it because it does…

  5. Make the goal a S.M.A.R.T Goal: Link Here

  6. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound.)

  7. 30-day commitment: Once your smart goal is set, you automatically start your 30 days. You commit to your future self that you will not let them down.

  8. Put this goal everywhere: On your fridge, in your bedroom, even as your phone wallpaper. For the first 30 days, put it absolutely everywhere.

Well, that’s a wrap folks.

Today, we covered a lot. This journey is not instant and will take some work.

I can give you the tools, information, and resources to change, but at the end of the day, you are the only person who can change your life.

Reading this will do absolutely nothing unless you take ACTION.

Your dream life is around the corner. The only person stopping you is you.

My mission is to help people live with purpose towards their ideal future. I hope this helps you do just that.

To help another person live their best life - Share, Like and Comment.

Until next week,