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  • Perception Philosophy (How to stop failing and start succeeding)

Perception Philosophy (How to stop failing and start succeeding)

As a kid, I always thought high level entrepreneurs were evil masterminds trying to take over the world.

Sure, some of them may be, but the majority I have met just want to improve themselves, live their ideals and solve problems to help people in ways thats fulfilling and enjoyable.

Even this example, people can look at 2 ways…

“They just take advantage of people struggling”

“They just try to help people struggling”

Same thing, different perspectives.

One thing I could never figure out is why or how they thought differently to everyone else…

How can they see the entire world differently?

Well the more I read, learnt and experienced, the more I realise mindset/perspective is a massive factor for determining a persons success.

Megamind - New York Times

Turning the idea of a villain upside down.

At first, Megamind loved being the bad guy, fighting his rival, Metro Man. But when he defeats Metro Man, he feels lost and realizes being a villain isn't fulfilling eventually having an existential crisis.

When a new villain, Tighten, threatens the city, Megamind decides to fight back and protect the people…

Apart from being a great, funny movie it does have some good points.

Particularly the movie shows that anyone can become “successful” by changing perspective.

It’s not as much about what happens to us as much as how we react.

How do some people always end up succeeding?

Have you noticed that some people, despite all factors going against them still find a way to come back stronger every time?

They aren’t “superhuman or built different”
But they are different, and I had to find out what it is…

Similar to above, its their reaction to external stimulus, but it goes much deeper than that.

Theres 3 paths we can take with unfavourable circumstances:

FRAGILE - Let failure define us, we become a victim, give up.

ANTI-FRAGILE - We rebuild, don’t let failure define us, become only as strong as before.

ANTI - FRAGILE 2.0 - We rebuild, become stronger, learn, grow from the negative experience.

Obviously we would rather be stronger with every failure rather than becoming the failure and carrying the burden everywhere…

Anti Fragility is not an optional bonus point in the game of success.

It’s quite literally a prerequisite.
Every successful person has this quality to some extent.

How do you apply ANTI FRAGILITY 2.0?
  1. Write down the situation/circumstances.

  2. Write down things inside your control.

  3. Write down things outside your control.
    (Be careful with these, 99% of things are in your control at some level.)

  4. Write down everything that you contributed.

  5. Write down everything you learnt from the experience.

  6. Write down everything you will change because of the experience.

FRAGILE people never introspect, instead trying to hide the failure.

ANTI - FRAGILE people review in their mind just enough to survive but don’t follow all steps and often end up reliving the experience.

ANTI - FRAGILE 2.0 people are proactive and positive. They record and review everything, set new actions and distil lessons.

A Philosophical Take - (Importance of Information & Perspective)

We have a choice in life. Arguably the most important choice of all.

How we choose to perceive information.

  • Without some information, perspective has nothing to observe/interpret.

  • Without some perspective, information is either misconstrued or meaningless.

This can be called positive mindset, growth mindset, god or a whole host of other things, but the principle remains the same.

What perceive, is what you believe. What you believe is all that is for you.
(However, that is not all that exists.)

Our minds cannot observe something we cannot perceive, this is the importance of raising awareness/consciousness.

Original - Plato - around 380 BCE

Platos Allegory of the Cave - Philosophical Perception

In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave," prisoners are chained inside a dark cave, only able to see shadows cast on a wall by objects behind them.

These shadows represent their limited perception of reality.

One prisoner escapes and discovers the outside world, realising the shadows were mere illusions.

Upon returning to the cave to enlighten the others, he is met with resistance and disbelief.

This allegory (lesson within story) highlights the contrast between ignorance and enlightenment and the challenges of educating those who are unaware of deeper truths.

But theres much more to it than that…

The Limits of Human Perception

Say for instance, we alter this cave.

Instead of the cave being a wall with shadows, we make it a sphere, 3D, multi dimensional.

Both parties look at their perspective of “reality” from different angles.

Both parties assuming they see the “whole truth”
(The whole 2d circle from their eyes…)

People in the cave cannot comprehend you can touch a tree, or pet a cat.
All they are to them are black shapes on the surface.

Then, above the cave, there is another 3D sphere.

Because both parties above ground are above limited human understanding and free to look from different angles, perspectives and dimensions. (Enlightened)

They can now witness and observe with unrestrained multi-dimensionality.

This highlights many double truths in society, and in the spiritual sense Divine Dichotomy/Trichotomy.

Divine Dichotomy holds that it is possible for two apparently contradictory truths to exist simultaneously in the same space.

People find this difficult to accept. They like to have order, and anything that does not fit into their picture is automatically rejected.

PS, I will never claim anything is absolute, complete and entirely truth.

It’s simply my best understanding, and as above, that has limits.

I encourage you to do your own introspection and discover it for yourself.

“All I Know Is That I Know Nothing”

- Plato

A Short Story To Summarise - Two sons of an alcoholic

I’ll share a famous story with you…

Two sons of an alcoholic father.

One son struggles with life and is also an alcoholic.

The other son is a successful businessman and an active member of society, with a wonderful family.

When people ask them why they are the way they are…

They both respond with "Because my father was an alcoholic."

Identical circumstances, but they made completely different choices.

Life is all about choices. Everywhere, all the time.
So it doesn’t matter if you don’t come from a rich family…
Hell, you don’t even have to be “talented”

You just have to make a choice.
Choose who you want to be.
Choose your perception.

After that, the world seems to conspire in your favour.

Personal Progress 15th June - 22nd June 🤯

Weekly discovery:

I have discovered a much deeper sense the “Nowness” of life.
Technical word… 😉

Very frequently I find myself taking a step back and admiring everything.

Almost as if its all a new, completely fresh experience.

Sometimes its just a half an hour walk or laying down spending time in silence.

The more I slow down, the more beauty of the world I witness.

Favourite quote of mine this week:

Valuable thread this week:

Current Reads:

Conversations with God/3rd book in trilogy - Neale Donald Walsch.

Brilliant book that has broadened my perspective massively.


I can give you the tools, information, and resources to change, but at the end of the day, you are the only person who can change your life.

Reading this will do absolutely nothing unless you take ACTION.

Your dream life is around the corner. The only person stopping you is you.

My mission is to help people live with purpose towards their ideal future.
I hope this helps you do just that.

To help another person discover the importance of perspective,
Share this to a friend!

Until next week,