The Psychology behind Vision, Purpose and Wealth.

When we are born, we adapt to our surroundings.

What are most people doing? Donating 1/3 of their life to a job they don't care about."What is the alternative smart ass? We need money to live; without it, we will starve."

First, we must understand the web of society we live in…At a fundamental level, we all need our survival needs to be met.

What does food cost? What does shelter cost? What does clothing cost?Every survival need we have fundamentally is obtainable with money.

What is money?

Money is a placeholder of value or tokenised value.

What is value?

To me, our most valuable assets are time, attention, wealth, freedom, happiness, perspective, awareness, consciousness and many more…

To most, people value pleasure, comfort, safety, consumption, fitting in, and not being too risky. As a result of conditioning by society, the school system and peers to trade time for money.

Look around. Most people will trade time for money, ultimately sacrificing their lives for a drip feed of a paycheck.

Where does every single business position itself?On this hierarchy, of course. This is how society is hierarchical.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

The banks will profit off your need for shelter with a home loan and bank account.

They will print money while simultaneously conditioning citizens to hoard it.Instead of holding the money they print, they have assets of real value.

Alternative: Instead of centralised currency, move to decentralised.Own hard assets like real estate, gold, silver and bitcoin."Hard" assets refers to tangible resources with fundamental value.Don't own soft assets that are easily manipulated, such as most stocks or bonds, unless you know the risks.

Social media and other entertainment are designed to elicit the positive emotions you lack from your daily life in exchange for your time and attention.

Alternative: Pursue meaningful goals and live with curiosity and enthusiasm.Consume with intent to learn and create content, systems and advancements to help others.

We trade our money for the thought that:"If we get XYZ, then we can be happy."

Consumerism is common because, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, we all desire respect and to feel included with others.

Alternative: Gratitude and minimalism, understanding that with every desire, there's a string of suffering attached to you if you don't obtain "It". These strings can add up, leading to discontentment if left unchecked.

X-rated content exists because of the lack of pleasure and intimacy people have.

Alternative: Strive to become the ideal version of yourself. The person you desire to attract will find you when you become your ideal.Relationships are about giving value, not taking. 

Most people are not physical slaves, but slaves to their mind, desires and pleasures.

How can we change our minds to meet our survival needs so we don't have to fall into the traps society conveniently set for us?

It all comes down to self-development. It is best to build yourself up to escape by forcing yourself to change before your reality can change.

Learning this is not something to be depressed over. Everyone has the choice to change and improve. Those who take it will succeed, and those who don't will fail.Without failures, there is no success.

The Alternate Route

Humans are innately goal-striving beings.When we pursue goals, we find fulfilment. Goals are moving towards a vision.When we are stagnant, we find misery and discontentment. (When we lack vision and goals)

I found purpose in pursuing a vision rather than realising the end goal.It's my why, my reason for doing what I do.

Finding purpose to me, involves two stages.

1st stage: Put your mask on before you can help others.

The first path is meeting your own/family's survival needs.

Part of this is the mentality that everything that has happened to you is your responsibility. You will have to become a leader rather than a follower.

Eventually, you become someone who disproportionately creates more value than they take.

Value in = value out. Everything applies to this.

"You reap what you sow" - Galatians 6:7–9

How to give value personally. Here are six practical ways:

  • Offer My Time

  • Listen more

  • Share My Knowledge

  • Encourage

  • Give Money Away

  • Show My Affection and Appreciation

How do I contribute more value to my career?

Find out what society needs and provide it most efficiently utilising leverage.

  • Leverage can be Capital (Investments making money)

  • Code (Programs running while you sleep.)

  • Labour (People working contributing exponentially more hours)

  • Media (1x Youtube video can change 10 million people's lives)

We don't need to utilise all leverage.

Controlling people is not ethical or sustainable if both parties want to enjoy lasting happiness. In many scenarios, however, there is mutual benefit. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Unless you live in a cave in the woods, foraging and meeting all your survival needs, you will, at some point, require something from someone else.

An ethical alternative is to provide media or code so people can choose to act on it rather than being manipulated.

2nd stage - From "Me to We"

Some of these guides seem like nothing or insignificant.However, these principles and many more, in combination with each other, form the second stage.

Most of my suffering so far in life has been because of one thing.I was taking more value than I received.I have also heard that the highest form of love is in giving to someone else.

To me, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Around the world, the most successful people do one thing exceptionally well:They give as much value as possible.

Raising awareness, perspective and consciousness

Read books, talk to people, and research topics.We gain perspective through exposure and introspection of other perspectives.

Sit in silence and question the most basic of things.Hold beliefs lightly, and be always radically open-minded.The more society says: "That's a stupid question," the more we should question it.

In meditation, watch your thoughts pass by. Don't attach to them; observe instead.Meditation is how we can expand our awareness and consciousness.

Society is a web of ideas. People will try to defend specific points because their beliefs stem from their egos. We must be unbiased and treat all information with welcoming enthusiasm until we question, dissect, and experience it for ourselves.

Contributing to something larger than yourself.

During the quest for finding something to build larger than yourself, these questions served useful for helping clarify my vision.

What would you build to better this generation and future generations?What is the most significant pain point for the majority of people?How can you contribute in a way that is meaningful to you?

It's finding that thing that lights a fire in your soul.If you had all the time in the world, you would do this anyway.

Viewing life through this lens changes the focus from "Me" to "We."Instead of giving from a place of lack, we offer from a place of abundance.

Living from a place of curiosity rather than survival.

Once you meet your survival needs, you are no longer controlled by those high in the power hierarchy. You can choose how you want to live, not how you need to live.

I say, "Money buys freedom, which buys happiness."

Don't want to work today?No worries, you will have enough money to feed yourself and your family.Instead, you can follow your curiosity and explore life how you want.It all starts with your freedom.

Experiencing the beauty of life

Seeing the beauty in a sunset or an interesting flower is easy.

Can you see the beauty in a construction site delaying your drive on the road?Can you see the beauty in driving through a torrential downpour soaked to the bone on a scooter?Can you see the beauty in hitting rock bottom and rebuilding yourself from the ground up?

From this perspective, true, all-encompassing beauty is found in everything, not pieces here and there.

Become clear on vision and purpose.

Are you clear on your ideal self?Are your goals, values and vision recorded?Are these gigantic goals broken down into actionable 10 Yearly, 1 yearly, monthly, weekly and daily steps?

Clarity with these questions is the path to taking your life seriously.No one will do this for you. You will live life congruently with your vision and purpose when you work towards these daily.

Wealth Creation

It's best to cover as much of Maslow's hierarchy as possible to meet your survival needs. A critical limiting factor for most people is wealth.

Once wealth is unlocked, time and freedom are unlocked.Time is what you need to explore and experience the rest of your life.Freedom is what you require for true control over your choices.

How do you create wealth?Well, you have a few methods you can use right now.

Why should you listen to me?

Without disclosing exact details due to privacy, I am in the US's top 10% net worth for my age bracket 19-24. This is not investing advice, simply what i do and where my research has led me.

  • Invest as much as possible. Research game theory, wealthy investors, society's disruptive innovation, and market cycles, read books and consume information ONLY FROM WEALTHY PEOPLE.W

  • Follow the Ikigai principle to find purpose. Once found, add leverage. Ikigai allows you to do what you love, what the world needs, what you can charge for, and what you are good at. Leverage enables this and at scale!

  • Pay yourself first (Make sure you invest in yourself every week before you do anything else). Otherwise, you will delay and ultimately never store any value. Paying yourself first may involve investing in education, assets, or a seminar.

  • Use what's at your fingertips to create and give value to others. Do something to push evolution forward. There are no wrong answers; start with anything you think is best. The beauty of the journey is that it will tell what doesn't work so you can self-correct along the way!

  • The internet is largely free; social media is free; your mind is free; and books are low-cost or free. The world has infinite opportunities; the more you learn, the more you see, the more you see, the more you can achieve.

  • Utilise low-start-up cost business models first. Otherwise, you will be squeezed for capital when you are young, which is a frustrating predicament...

  • Social media is free (Distribution), And content is free (Product or Service). Combine the two with sales, marketing, copywriting, and design to create a low-cost entry-level business.

Here are a few underrated books I can recommend:

  • Principles of dealing with the changing world order - Ray Dalio

  • Rich Dads CashFlow Quadrant - Robert Kyosaki

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

  • The psychology of money - Morgan Housel

  • 4 Hour work week - Tim Ferris

  • The intelligent investor - Benjamin Graham

  • The richest man in Babylon - George S. Clason

True wealth is having money earned while you sleep, having a nest egg of solid assets and control over your time and location.

Vision and Purpose

How do you create a vision?

Write down your ideal self in extreme clarity.What would you be like if you could be any way at all?Are you fit and healthy?Do you run a business?Do you have a high-quality partner and a family?Do you have Financial, Time and Location freedom?What is your presence like when you walk into a room?

Anything goes.

Write down what would happen if you kept doing the same habits you are now for another 10 years.

Write down if you would be proud or disappointed in the life you lived.

"Hypothetically", If you were to die 10 years from now, and you continued the path you are on now, would you look back and think the life you lived was lived fully?

These are the questions you should answer openly and honestly.

This task is not a maybe or probably should do.Clarity and courage will create the life of your dreams.Laziness and lack of action will create nightmares.

The choice is yours.

How do you create purpose?

Write down all the main big goals you have.

Choose the 3 main goals that would most positively impact your life.Pick goals that would solve or eliminate most of the existential problems in your life.

Using these 3 goals, write down what achieving these goals would look like in clarity.

At the end of the year, where do you want to be to consider the year a success?What are key milestones and lever-moving tasks?What's one thing you need to do weekly and daily to move you towards that future?

Write these to-dos in the calendar and stick to them daily.

If your goal is to have the body of your dreams, you must find the main daily levers contributing to that success. Doing so will allow you to hit the small wins daily, which add up to the large ones over time.

We find purpose and fulfilment in action towards goals.We are goal-striving beings at our core. Fundamentally, this is what we do.Not only will you better yourself, but you will better the world.

Well, that's a wrap…

These concepts can help you gain clarity and expose you to your potential.Your feedback is always welcome as it helps be become better daily!Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need help.I am always happy to help!

Until next week, take care.Leigh.